Shell Expansion

Shell Expansion


A shell is a command-line interface that acts as an intermediary between the user and the operating system kernel. It takes commands from the user, interprets them, and then sends them to the kernel for execution. In simple terms, a shell is like a translator that allows users to communicate with the computer's operating system using text commands.

  1. bash: Bourne Again Shell

  2. sh: Bourne Shell

  3. zsh: Z Shell

  4. fish: Friendly Interactive SHell

  5. ksh: Korn Shell

  6. dash: Debian Almquist Shell (POSIX-compliant)

  7. csh: C Shell

  8. tcsh: TENEX C Shell (an enhanced version of C Shell)

Shell Expansion

Shell expansions are mechanisms in a shell that automatically manipulate and modify commands before they are sent to the kernel for execution.

Shell Commands & Arguments

1. echo:

  • Basic:

    • echo string: Prints the specified string.

        echo Hello World  # Output: Hello World
    • echo 'string': Prints the string enclosed in single quotes. Single quotes preserve the literal value of each character within the quotes. No variable substitution or interpretation of special characters within the single quotes.

        echo 'Hello $USER'  # Output: Hello $USER
    • echo "string": Prints the string enclosed in double quotes. Double quotes allow variable substitution. For example, if you have a variable, it will be replaced with its value. Interpretation of certain escape sequences like \n (newline) or \t (tab) within the double quotes.

        echo "Hello $USER"  # Output: Hello John
  • Advanced:

    • echo -e "string \n new \t tab": Enables interpretation of backslash escapes like Newline (\n) and tab (\t).

      echo -e "string \n new \t tab"


      new tab

2. echo $SHELL, echo $HOSTNAME:

  • Basic:

    • echo $SHELL: Prints the path to the current shell executable.

    • echo $HOSTNAME: Prints the hostname of the system.

  • Advanced:

    • These commands can be used for scripting and configuration where the shell or hostname information is needed.

        # Script to check system configuration using shell and hostname information
        echo "Checking System Configuration..."
        echo "--------------------------------"
        echo "Current Shell: $current_shell"
        echo "Hostname: $system_hostname"
        # Add more checks or configurations as needed
        echo "--------------------------------"
        echo "Configuration Check Completed."

3. Variables:

  • Basic:

    • var1=100: Assigns the value 100 to the variable var1.

    • echo $var1: Prints the value of the variable var1.

  • Advanced:

    • Variables are fundamental for storing and retrieving data in shell scripting.

        # Basic variable assignment
        # Printing the value of the variable
        echo "The value of var1 is: $var1"
        # Performing some arithmetic operations
        sum=$((var1 + var2))
        product=$((var1 * var2))
        # Printing the results
        echo "The sum of var1 and var2 is: $sum"
        echo "The product of var1 and var2 is: $product"

4. type command:

  • Basic:

    • type command: Displays information about the type of the command.

    • Example:

        type cd  # Output: cd is a shell builtin
        type ls  # Output: ls is /usr/bin/ls
  • Advanced:

    • Differentiates between shell built-ins and external commands.

      # Check if the command exists
      if type "$command_to_check" &> /dev/null; then
          # Use type to get information about the command
          command_info=$(type "$command_to_check")
          # Check if the command is a shell built-in
          if [[ $command_info == *'is a shell builtin'* ]]; then
              echo "$command_to_check is a shell builtin."
              echo "$command_to_check is an external command located at: $command_info"
          echo "$command_to_check not found."

      Give Execute Permission to the Script:-

      ./ cd
      # Output: cd is a shell builtin
      ./ ls
      # Output: ls is an external command located at: /usr/bin/ls
      ./ nonexistentcommand
      # Output: nonexistentcommand not found.

6. which command:

  • Basic:

    • which command: Shows the path of the executable for the given command.

    • Example:

        which ls  # Output: /usr/bin/ls

7. Executing full path:

  • Basic:

    • /usr/bin/ls /tmp: Executes the ls command with the full path.\

8. Environment Variables:

  • Basic:

    • Environment variables store information about the environment and are accessible by processes.

    • Examples:

        echo $PATH  # Output: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
        echo $HOME  # Output: /home/username

9. Alias :

1. Alias Commands and Unalias:


  • alias: Creates a shortcut or alternate name for a command.

  • unalias: Removes an alias.


# Basic alias creation
alias ll='ls -l'

# Using the alias

# Removing the alias
unalias ll

2. rm with -i Alias:

Important Points:

  • rm -i: Prompts for confirmation before removing each file.


# Creating an alias for rm -i
alias rm='rm -i'

# Using the aliased rm
rm file.txt
# This will prompt for confirmation before removing file.txt

10. Shell Expansion with set -x and Disable with set +x:

  • set -x: Enables debugging by printing commands and their arguments to the standard error output before executing. It is Mostly used to debug the scripts.

  • set +x: Disables debugging.


# Enabling shell expansion
set -x

# Commands with debugging output
echo "Hello, world!"
# ...

# Disabling shell expansion
set +x

Control Operators

  1. ; (Semicolon):

    • Basic: Execute multiple commands serially.

        echo "Hello"; ls -l; date

    • Advanced: Incorrect usage can lead to unexpected behavior.

        echo "Hello"; ls -l && date; echo "World"

  2. & (Ampersand):

    • Basic: Execute commands in parallel.

        sleep 5 & echo "Background process running..."

    • Advanced: Can be used for running multiple background processes parallelly.

  3. ? (Question Mark):

    • Basic: View the exit status of the previous command.

        ls non-existent-file
        echo $?  # Output: 2 (indicating an error)

    • Advanced: Use in conditional checks.

        [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "Previous command succeeded" || echo "Previous command failed"

  4. && (Double Ampersand):

    • Basic: Execute the next command only if the previous one succeeds.

        make && make install


        sudo yum history && sudo yum update

    • Advanced: Chain multiple commands.

        command1 && command2 && command3 || echo "At least one command failed"


        sudo yum check-update && sudo yum update && sudo yum clean all || echo "At least one command failed"

  5. || (Double Pipe):

    • Basic: Execute the next command only if the previous one fails.

        rm non-existent-file || echo "File does not exist"

Advanced: Use in error handling.

command1 || { echo "Command failed"; exit 1; }
  1. && and || in If-Else Conditions:

    check below patching script for the example

     if [ condition ]; then
     elif [ another_condition ]; then
  2. # (Hash/Pound):

    • Basic: Used for comments; anything after # is ignored.

        echo "Hello" # This is a comment
    • Advanced: Useful for commenting out code temporarily.

  3. \ (Backslash):

    • Basic: Escape characters; ignore the special meaning of the semicolon.

        echo This is a\; test

Real-time Scenario

Below is the sample Patching script that is uses the above operators and error handling for a dependency issue


# Function to display an error message and exit
display_error() {
  echo "Error: $1"
  exit 1

# Attempt to update the system
if sudo yum update -y; then
    echo "System updated successfully"
    # Get the package causing the error
    error_package=$(yum update -y 2>&1 | grep "Error: .* conflicts with file from package" | awk '{print $NF}')

    if [ -n "$error_package" ]; then
        echo "Dependency issue with package: $error_package"

        # Exclude the problematic package and try updating again
        sudo yum update -y --exclude=$error_package || display_error "Failed to update system after excluding $error_package"

        echo "System updated successfully after excluding $error_package"
        display_error "Failed to update the system due to an unknown error"

# Continue with the rest of the script
echo "Patching script completed successfully"

Debugging the Script:-


# Function to display an error message and exit
display_error() {
  echo "Error: $1"
  exit 1
  1. #!/bin/bash: This line indicates that the script should be interpreted using the Bash shell.

  2. display_error() { ... }: This defines a Bash function named display_error. The function takes one argument (the error message), prints the error message with the prefix "Error:", and then exits the script with a status of 1.

bashCopy code# Attempt to update the system
if sudo yum update -y; then
    echo "System updated successfully"
    # Get the package causing the error
    error_package=$(yum update -y 2>&1 | grep "Error: .* conflicts with file from package" | awk '{print $NF}')

    if [ -n "$error_package" ]; then
        echo "Dependency issue with package: $error_package"

        # Exclude the problematic package and try updating again
        sudo yum update -y --exclude=$error_package || display_error "Failed to update system after excluding $error_package"

        echo "System updated successfully after excluding $error_package"
        display_error "Failed to update the system due to an unknown error"

# Continue with the rest of the script
echo "Patching script completed successfully"
  1. if sudo yum update -y; then ... else ... fi: This structure checks whether the sudo yum update -y command is successful. If it succeeds, it prints a success message; otherwise, it proceeds to error handling.

  2. error_package=$(yum update -y 2>&1 | grep "Error: .* conflicts with file from package" | awk '{print $NF}'): This line attempts to identify the package causing the dependency issue. It runs the yum update -y command, captures the error output, and uses grep and awk to extract the name of the package causing the conflict.

  3. if [ -n "$error_package" ]; then ... else ... fi: This condition checks if a problematic package is found. If a package is found (meaning the length of the string is non-zero), it proceeds to handle the dependency issue; otherwise, it calls display_error for an unknown error.

  4. sudo yum update -y --exclude=$error_package || display_error "Failed to update system after excluding $error_package": This line attempts to update the system again, excluding the problematic package using --exclude. If the update is successful, it prints a success message; otherwise, it calls display_error with a custom error message.

  5. The script concludes by printing a success message indicating that the patching script was completed successfully.

In summary, the script attempts to update the system, identifies and handles dependency issues if they occur, and then prints a success message. The display_error function is used for consistent error handling throughout the script.

We can discuss Patching and Advanced Automation upcoming articles as this mainly focuses on shell expansion and we want to introduce these commands and arguments and control operator logic so we can get it where we use

Shell Variables

Shell variables are placeholders for storing data or configuration settings in the shell. They can be accessed and manipulated by the user and the system.

  1. Types of Shell Variables:

    • System-Defined Variables: Automatically set by the system, e.g., $HOME, $USER, $PWD.

    • User-Defined Variables: Created and modified by the user, e.g., my_variable="Hello".

  2. System-Defined Variables and Modification:

    • To view system-defined variables: echo $HOSTNAME, echo $PWD, etc.

    • To change system-defined variables (e.g., $HOSTNAME) permanently, update bashrc file.

  3. User-Defined Variables Creation and Usage:

    • Create user-defined variable: my_variable="value".

    • Naming rules: Case-sensitive, no numeric starting, no special characters.

    • Access user-defined variable: echo $my_variable.

  4. Setting and Unsetting Variables:

    • Set a variable: export my_variable="value" (for making it available to subshells).

    • Unset a variable: unset my_variable (to unbind a variable).

  5. PS1 Variable and Shell Interface Customization:

    • PS1 Variable: Controls the shell prompt appearance.

    • Example of changing the prompt in bashrc for a normal user:

        PS1='\[\e[34;1m\]\u\[\e[0m\]\[\e[31m\]@\[\e[0m\]\[\e[32;1m\]\h\[\e[0m\]\[\e[37;1m\]:\[\e[0m\]\[\e[32;1m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\$ '

      Breakdown of the colors and components:

      • \[\e[34;1m\]: Blue color for the username.

      • \[\e[0m\]: Reset color to default.

      • \[\e[31m\]: Red color for the '@' symbol.

      • \[\e[32;1m\]: Green color for the hostname.

      • \[\e[37;1m\]: White color for the colon (:) symbol.

      • \w: Current working directory.

      • \[\e[0m\]: Reset color to default.

      • \[\e[32;1m\]: Green color for the path.

      • \$: Displays the '$' symbol for a regular user or '#' for root.

6. File Matching with env LANG=C bash -c 'ls File[a-z]':

  • Command Explanation:

    • env LANG=C: Sets the environment variable LANG to C, ensuring a consistent locale for predictable results.

    • bash -c 'ls File[a-z]': Executes the ls command within a new Bash shell with the specified pattern File[a-z].

  • Expected Output:

    • Assuming you have files named Filea, FileA, Fileb, and FileB, the output will include Filea and Fileb due to the [a-z] pattern, which matches lowercase letters.

7. Shell Levels with echo $SHLVL:

  • Command Explanation:

    • echo $SHLVL: Prints the current shell level.

    • To switch to another shell, you can use the respective shell command (bash, ksh).

  • Expected Output:

    • echo $SHLVL before switching: 1 (indicating the initial shell level)

    • After switching to bash: echo $SHLVL might show 2

    • After switching to ksh: echo $SHLVL might show 3

8. Environment Variables with env -i bash -c 'echo $SHELL $HOME $USER':

  • Command Explanation:

    • env -i: Invokes a command with a clean environment, ignoring inherited environment variables.

    • bash -c 'echo $SHELL $HOME $USER': Executes a Bash command to print the values of $SHELL, $HOME, and $USER.

  • Expected Output:

    • Without an environment, $SHELL might be /bin/bash or the path to your Bash executable.

    • $HOME should be your home directory.

    • $USER should be your username.

9. Unbound Variable Error with set -u:

  • Command Explanation:

    • set -u: Enables the strict mode, causing an error if an unset variable is encountered.

    • echo something_not_set: Attempts to echo the value of an unset variable.

    • set +u: Disables the strict mode.

  • Expected Output:

    • Initially, an error like bash: something_not_set: unbound variable when set -u is active.

    • After set +u, no error should occur, and the command will print an empty line or some default value.

Shell Embedding

  1. Arithmetic Evaluation with Variable Assignment in Shell

     echo $[var1=5; var2=3; result=var1+var2; echo "Sum: $result"]

    Advanced Command Explanation:

    • var1=5: Assign the value 5 to the variable var1.

    • var2=3: Assigns the value 3 to the variable var2.

    • result=var1+var2: Performs variable addition and assigns the result to the variable result.

    • echo "Sum: $result": Prints the result of the addition.


    Sum: 5+3

2. Variable Assignment and Substitution

    echo $C$B$A $(B=sub; echo $C$B$A; echo $(C=sub; echo $C$B$A))


  1. A="Shell": This line assigns the value "Shell" to the variable A.

  2. B=sub: This line assigns the value "sub" to the variable B.

  3. C=sub: This line assigns the value "sub" to the variable C.

  4. echo $C$B$A: This echoes the concatenated values of variables C, B, and A. So, it outputs "subShell".

  5. $(B=sub; echo $C$B$A): This creates a subshell by using the $(...) syntax. Inside the subshell, it sets the variable B to "sub" and echoes the concatenated values of C, B, and A. The output of this subshell is "subShell".

  6. $(C=sub; echo $C$B$A): This is another subshell. Inside it, the variable C is set to "sub" (overriding the outer value of C), and it echoes the concatenated values of C, B, and A. The output of this subshell is "subShell" because it still uses the outer value of B.

  7. echo $C$B$A $(B=sub; echo $C$B$A; echo $(C=sub; echo $C$B$A)): This echoes the concatenated values of C, B, and A followed by the results of the two subshells. Let's break it down:

    • The first part, echo $C$B$A, outputs "subShell".

    • The second part, $(B=sub; echo $C$B$A), creates a subshell setting B to "sub" and echoes "subShell".

    • The third part, $(C=sub; echo $C$B$A), creates another subshell setting C to "sub" and echoes "subShell".

3. Backtick Usage ` `

    echo `cd /etc/; ls -d pass*`
  • Command Explanation:

    • cd /etc/; ls -d pass*: Uses backticks to execute the commands inside.

    • cd /etc/; ls -d pass*: Changes directory to /etc/ and lists files starting with "pass" using ls .

  • Output:

    • Lists files in /etc/ a directory that start with "pass."

4. Variable Assignment and Echoing

    echo $var1
    echo $(var1=5; echo $var1)
    echo 'var1=5; echo $var1'
    echo "var1=5; echo $var1"

  • Command Explanation:

    • var1=5: Assign the value 5 to the variable var1.

    • echo $var1: Prints the value of var1.

    • $[var1=5; echo $var1]: Performs arithmetic evaluation with variable assignment.

    • 'var1=5; echo $var1': Single quotes preserve the literal value of each character.

    • "var1=5; echo $var1": Double quotes allow variable substitution but preserve the literal value of most characters.

Shell Options

  1. H (histexpand):

    History expansion allows you to recall and reuse commands from your command history.

    • Example:

        # Command with history expansion
        echo !1
  2. i (interactive):

    Useful for scripts to determine if they are running interactively or in a non-interactive mode.

    • Example:

        # Check if the shell is running interactively
        [[ $- == *i* ]] && echo "Interactive shell" || echo "Non-interactive shell"
  3. m (monitor):

    • Example:

        # Enable job control
        set -m
    • Use Case: Allows for job control, such as running processes in the background and bringing them to the foreground.

  4. B (braceexpand):

    Enables the use of brace expansion for generating sequences of text.

    • Example:

        # Brace expansion example
        echo file{1..3}.txt
  5. s (stdin):

    Useful in scripts where you want to interact with the user by reading input from the standard input.

    • Example:

        # Read input from standard input
        echo "Enter your name: "
        read name
        echo "Hello, $name!"
  6. u (nounset):

    Helps catch potential issues by causing the shell to exit if a variable is referenced before being set.

    • Example:

        # Enable 'nounset' to exit if an unset variable is referenced
        set -u
        # Using an unset variable
        echo $unset_variable

Shell History

  1. Viewing History:

    • Command: history

    • Description: Displays the command history, showing a list of previously executed commands with line numbers.

    • Example:


  2. Viewing Last N Commands:

    • Command: history n

    • Description: Displays the last N commands in the history.

    • Example:

        history 2

  3. Executing Previous Command:

    • Command: !!

    • Description: Executes the previous command.

    • Example:


  4. Executing Specific Command by Number or String:

    • Command: !number or !string

    • Description: Executes the command with the specified line number or the most recent command starting with the specified string.

    • Example:

        !123   # Executes command with line number 123
        !ls   # Executes the most recent command starting with 'ls'

  5. Clearing History:

    • Command: history -c

    • Description: Clears the entire command history.

    • Example:

        history -c

  6. Recursive Search in History:

    • Command: Press Ctrl + r and start typing

    • Description: Initiates a reverse history search. As you type, it matches the most recent command containing the entered characters.

    • Example:

HISTSIZE Variable:

Controls the number of commands stored in the history.

  • Temporary Assignment:

      # Set HISTSIZE temporarily for the current session
  • Permanent Assignment (Add to Bashrc): Adjusts the number of commands stored in the history for better control over the command history size. Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:

      export HISTSIZE=1000


Sets the format of timestamps in the history.

  •   # Set HISTTIMEFORMAT to include date and time
      HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S "

9. Last & Check Last Reboot in History:

Shows the most recent command executed along with its timestamp. & also Helps identify the most recent system reboots recorded in the command history.


  • Command:

      last reboot

10 . Delete Specific Lines in Bash History:

Removes a specific command entry from the history by specifying its line number.

  • Command:

      history -d <line_number>

11 . Ignore Commands from History:

Prevents commands preceded by spaces from being saved in the history.

  • Command:


    To ignore commands starting with spaces:

      # Add to ~/.bashrc
      export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace

File Globbing

File globbing is a mechanism provided by the shell for pattern matching and expansion of filenames. It allows you to specify a pattern, and the shell expands it to match the filenames in the current directory.

  1. Create Files:

     touch file1 file2 file3 File4 File55 FileA Fileab FileAB Fileab
  2. List Files Starting with "File":

     ls File*
     # Output: FileA  FileAB  Fileab  File55
  3. List Files Containing "ile":

     ls *ile*
     # Output: file1  file2  file3  FileA  Fileab  FileAB  File55
  4. List Files Starting with "file":

     ls file*
     # Output: file1  file2  file3  Fileab
  5. List Files Ending with "ile55":

     ls *ile55
     # Output: File55
  6. List Files with Single Character After "File":

     ls File?
     # Output: File4
  7. List Files with Two Characters After "File":

     ls File??
     # No output if no matching file
  8. List Files with "File" + Single Character + "4":

     ls File?4
     # Output: File44
  9. List Files Matching "5" or "A" After "File":

     ls File[5A]
     # Output: File5  FileA
     # Multiple character sets
     ls File[5A][5B]
  10. List Files NOT Starting with "num":

    bashCopy codels [!num]*
    # Output: FileA  Fileab  FileAB
  11. List Files Matching Uppercase Letters After "ile":

    # Assuming LANG=en_IN.UTF-8
    ls [A-Z]ile?
    # Output: FileA  FileAB

    Change LANG to C:

    export LANG=C
    ls [A-Z]ile?
    # Output: FileA  FileAB  Filea  Fileab
  12. Ignore File Globbing:

    echo *
    # Output: file1 file2 file3 File4 File55 FileA Fileab FileAB
    echo \*
    # Output: *

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